Thursday, January 14, 2010

Make Your Decisions

The decision to be wealthy and prosperous can be made right now. If your reading this text, chances are you are prosperous when compared to the poorest people in the word. Some people have absolutely nothing. No food, no shelter, no family; this is true poverty. when compared to your wealth, you are most likely infinitely more wealthy then the person who has nothing, yet so many people are unhappy with what they have and strive to get more stuff in order to be happy. I would hypothesize that people aren't really after nice cars, money and houses, if you dig deeper you can see people just want to be happy and they figure that if they obtain more physical possessions it will make them more happy. History tells us this is not true. There are many examples of people with great wealth who no matter what they accumulated or possessed, remained bitter and upset. These people have made a decision to remain discontent and unhappy. The poor can make the same decision but in the opposite direction. They can decide to be happy despite their lack.

Make a decision today to be content with what you have, this should help to increase your general happiness, which is in my opinion, the best measure of wealth.

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