Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to Win Everyday

I have a secret to tell you. Not many people know it.

The status of being a winner is purely up to YOU.

Deciding if you are a winner is subject to the narrative you create for yourself in your head.

Take for example a father who works as a janitor for 35 years, but sees his children go to college and graduate. Many people would see that man and not see a winner, but he had a vision of his kids graduating from college while he was working and he defined winning as watching his children graduate from college, that's how he defined it, so he is a winner.

Or consider a hedge fund manager worth 250 million dollars, but he can't get his golf handicap below 10. In his mind he is a loser. He can't be and won't be excepted by his pears, he won't be invited to the best and most exclusive golf clubs all his friends are part of, and because of that, he wife will probably leave him because she sees him as a failure since he couldn't secure a position at "the" club to be at.

The janitor has a narrative which makes him content, happy, able to connect and have intimacy with his family.

The hedge fund manager's narrative will only lead to destruction and despair.

Both are solely capable of writing their own narrative and so are you.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Win, Win Some More, Then Win Again

Do you want to feel great? Are you depressed, anxious or worn out? Do you feel hopeless, in despair, maybe suicidal?
I have a solution for you. Go and win.

I don't care what it is that you do as long as it doesn't hurt someone, but winning is the way out.

I heard a quote recently,

"Life isn't a game. It's a set of games, if you aren't winning at one of the games, get up and go play a different game"

If you hate your job, go to another field, another industry that you believe you can win at, and go play with them.

Marriage not great? Play a different game with your spouse, one you believe you can win at. Change it to something you believe will help you win with them. What do they like? What makes them feel valued and appreciated, do that and you'll win....maybe.

Trading strategy not working? Try another strategy, overlay a strategy on top of the one you have, take a break from trading, don't trade for a while, then come back fresh. Could be a discipline problem, become more discipline and you will win.

Something I like which is a sure bet is exercise. Go to the gym, work out and you just won! You successfully engaged your muscles to the point of exhaustion, you increased your heart rate, you burned off some calories and sweat out toxins. You set out to do that before you left and succeeded, you are a natural born winner and now with those bulging muscles, you look like one too!

There is no such feeling as winning. Making the money, closing the deal, getting the girl, feeling loved and accepted. If this isn't happening to you, change your strategy, do something different that makes logical sense that will bring more victories in your life and depression will become a distant memory of someone you no longer are, because now you're a winner.

Things you may not have considered:

Changing jobs
Moving to another state
Downsizing to a more affordable apartment (more disposable income to go try new things to win at!)
Setting boundaries with friends and family, or a spouse
Investing heavily in a person so a deep friendship will form
Discipline yourself to meditate and find direction from the Holy Spirit, He loves to show people how specifically they can win.
Take action on what you already know to do and in that action, more knowledge and understanding will come.